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The Gentle Lemur Pet Bed is the only ultra-dense memory foam pet bed on the market that is truly washable inside and out. The bed is cleaned and dried almost instantly. The unique nest-like 3D structure is orthopedically engineered to cater to dogs and cats natural behaviors and brings unprecedented comfort to them. 

Preventing any kind of health problem such as a skin disorder befalling our fur babies is always of utmost concern to us. The last thing we want to subject our pets to is a cone, a hair shaving, or a trip to the vet.

Furthermore, the health of our pets can also affect our very own health.

Pet beds are hotbeds for parasites, germs, and mold, especially pet beds without a cleanable insert. Haunted by the unending smell, even our fur babies get fed up with their bedding. No wonder they eventually take over our couches, beds, or even our dresser drawers.

Gentle Lemur Pet Bed’s patented Advanced TPU Coating thoroughly solves the pet bed cleanliness conundrum.

TPU is a special Thermoplastic Polyurethane with an extremely compact nano-structure. It works as a “protective membrane” to fully block the invasion of germs and parasites, which is the key to eliminating unpleasant smells.

Most pet beds on the market are either completely non-washable or merely have a washable cover. Those claiming that they are completely washable take centuries to fully dry out, resulting in the rapid reproduction of germs and parasites.

The Gentle Lemur Pet Bed is washable from inside out and allows you to directly rinse or soak the insert by hand. Moreover, the insert dries instantly with the wipe of a cloth.

As an advanced and eco-friendly material, TPU has been widely used in nursing appliances, sports equipment, running shoes, and almost anywhere hygienic, lightweight, functional, and durable properties are required.

Another reason dogs and cats refuse to sleep on their own beds is rather obvious: uncomfortable.

Scientific research shows that dogs and cats suffer deeply from arthritis. The prevalence of arthritis in dogs and cats is much more severe than in human adults in the US (22.7%, 2013-2015, CDC). 

Unfortunately, arthritis diagnosis for cats and dogs is difficult in many ways, especially for detecting early-stage symptoms. Our beloved pets cannot speak or let us know if any of their joints are in pain and by the time it is visibly apparent that they are suffering from arthritis, it is often too late for recovery treatment.

The Gentle Lemur Pet Bed is designed by ergonomics experts and physical therapists from South Korea. The team has studied the sleeping habits of dogs and cats for many years.

Additionally, bed prototypes have been sent out to volunteers all over South Korea and it turns out that our professional sleepers slept more soundly than ever.

The 3D nest-like structure of the bed is orthopedically engineered to cater to the pet’s natural behaviours. By providing optimal therapeutic support for their whole body and giving special care to their joints and tails, our precious fur babies can enjoy sounder sleep and wake up with much less stiffness.

The surrounding design like a gentle hug also makes them feel safe and secure

The cover is crafted from an ultra-performance microfiber that is comfortable, strong, durable, and breathable. The design allows air to flow in and out between the cover and the insert and makes the bed feel like a hammock. Sleeping on it seems like floating in mid-air.

Compared to normal fibres, microfiber is woven with much denser and slimmer filaments into a tight structure that significantly enhances elasticity and durability.

The microfiber structure also enlarges its overall surface area exposed to air, which allows it to dry in a third of the time as ordinary fibres. Therefore, the Gentle Lemur Pet Bed cover can even be air-dried in a short time without a dryer and fights the growth of bacteria in humid environments.

In addition to the ultra-tough microfiber properties, the space between the cover and the insert helps to disperse and buffer the force from scratches and bites. The large arcs and wide curves shaping the bed, no edges and no sharp angles, provide our pets with little opportunity for chewing.

To maximize the effectiveness of the bed’s structure, Gentle Lemur Pet Bed uses ultra-high density (3.12 lb/ft3) memory foam for the entire bed to deliver strong support. It’s especially effective for ageing pets and those suffering from arthritis.

Fortified with the resilient TPU coating, the memory foam can rebound instantly to fit closely to our pet’s body whenever they change positions.

My name is Roh Kwang Soo, but you can just call me Robbin. I’m a 59-year-old South Korean veteran. Please forgive me if you find my story about my dream idea to be a bit too wordy.

My company and I have been in the business of manufacturing and selling professional health and fitness equipment since 1994My dream of making truly washable bedding started back in 2008 when I was visiting a pillow factory. It was an exceptional and amazing experience to see a free-flowing liquid swell up and transform into fluffy memory foam.

What really surprised me was the fact that these memory foams could never be washed. After the day they are created, even after being soaked with sweat, covered in yellow stains, and full of germs, mold, and mites, they can never be restored to their cleanly original state.

The idea hit me one day that why couldn’t we coat the memory foam with a comfy membrane to render both the cover and insert truly washable? In all honesty, I didn’t expect that realizing this simple idea would take me more than 10 years. Only after I tried, I started to be aware that it's almost an impossible mission to find a material that could closely fit the memory foam and prevent any exterior messes from entering.

Countless tests of numerous materials and endless visits to research institutes, professors, and related factories made up a huge part of my routine life during the last decade. Before seeing the silver lining of all my efforts, on January 29, 2018, a fire burned my factory, machines, and materials to ashes.

Thanks to social media in South Korea, many people heard my story and shared thousands of encouraging and uplifting comments. My bleeding heart was healed, and I mustered the courage to start all over again. It was also at that time, some agencies reached out to me and suggested that they could buy my products and do a Kickstarter. This was also the first time I had ever heard of crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter. Therefore, they bought the products from me and did the Kickstarter by themselves.

The campaign was decent, but the customer service was not satisfactory. There were also misinterpretations of my product on the introduction. I can see some backers are complaining about the logistics and other issues. It is of great concern to me, but sadly the account does not belong to me so I am unable to view the issues to resolve them. I kept asking the agency to send more pillows to the backers and solve the issues.

Then I decided to learn running the crowdfunding campaign to promote my products. In 2019, I launched 4 very successful pillow related campaigns in South Korea. My team and I have worked ceaselessly to satisfy each and every backer.

Amidst the countless pieces of positive feedback my pillows received, I also noticed some backers were “complaining” that their pillows were often occupied by their cats and dogs.

This further strengthened my resolve to make a bed for our fur babies. My company has now been through it all: concept verification, experimenting, 3D modeling, sample making, prototyping, molding, testing, and iterating. We’re confident that we have created the most caring and comfortable pet bed on the market.

This Kickstarter campaign is my company’s first step towards serving customers all around the world. It is also our first step in redefining the world’s bedding industry (for both pets and humans).





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